Tuesday 9 May 2017

Chef Liam

Today we had a chef visit our classroom. 
His name was Liam Crawly and he explained how heat changes food and how it changes the sugars in fruit. It makes fruit taste sweeter. We then got to taste fresh blueberries and then cooked blueberries. Some of us thought the fresh blueberries tasted a little sour. Everyone agreed that the cooked blueberries tasted very sweet! Yum! There were a few of us that didn't try the blueberries because they though they were, 'Yuck!'. But most of us tried the cooked blueberry jam.

We then got to smell cinnamon bark. Some of us thought it tasted like porridge! Liam then explained how spices change when they're heated. He heated the cinnamon up and we could smell that. He then cooked up some apple with a little bit of cinnamon. When it was finished cooking he puréed it with an electric blender which was a little bit noisy. We tried some cut up apple and then tried the apple purée. It was warm and delicious!

We also got to talk about how pikelets are made and even got to eat a pikelet as well. Some of us put the apple purée on top of the pikelet and some of us went back for seconds! The apple purée was the favourite of the day!
During the cooking session we heard about how food changes when heat is applied. We talked about how the texture of food changes, going from hard to soft, that the sugar in food becomes sweeter and spices become tastier when heated. Just like curry! There were lots of hands that went up when Liam asked if they liked curry! I was very suprised!

At the end of the session we asked some great questions about food and heat and then thanked Liam for coming. We can't wait to do some more experiments with food and heat over the term!


  1. We all had a great time trying foods and then on Wednesday we got to talk about how heat changes food with our buddy class!

    It has been very interesting!
